Tuesday, March 1, 2011

More Vallarta

Vallarta Videos

Nueva Vallarta 2011

Just off the Plane!

Josie learns to swim the first day!

Four best buddies (Jos, Sienna, Layla, Liv)

Waiting for the perfect wave!

Riding the pyramid slide with the Dads.


Dare devil!

Opposite of...

Making bracelets!

Margaritas & beers on the beach, how cliche!

Mmmm, tacos!

Another dare devil, Mr. Pryor & Dad (Trevor)

Eyleen chasing down the big guy

Three dads (Ken, Trevor, Jesse), hmmm and 4 beers?

Mi Familia!

We dubbed this the Mommies only Pool! Ah, the quiet.

Please, just one normal pose...

Guess not.

The Hacienda

I told Liv should could have an Iquana if she could catch one, we do NOT have one but not for lack of trying!

El Rio Lento (Ken, Liv, Jos, Kathleen, Randy, Sienna)

Last night :{